How to Find the Best TEAS Test Study Guide: All You Need to Know
Many nursing and allied health programs require applicants to take the Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) exam, which is a standardized test that measures academic readiness. The TEAS exam covers four content areas: reading, math, science, and English and language usage. You will need a good TEAS study guide 2022 that covers all the topics and skills that you need to know in order to prepare for the TEAS exam. But what are the criteria for choosing the best TEAS study guide for your success? Here are some tips and factors to keep in mind when looking for the best TEAS 7 study guide that suits your needs.
First, you should find out which version of the TEAS exam you will be taking. The most recent version of the TEAS exam is Version 6, which was launched in 2016. However, on June 3, 2022, a new version of the TEAS exam, Version 7, will be launched. You should ask your program of interest which version they accept or prefer before purchasing a study guide. You don’t want to spend your time and money on a study guide that is irrelevant or outdated.
Second, you need to look for a study guide that is comprehensive and aligned with the content and format of the TEAS exam. A good study guide should cover all the topics and skills that are tested on the TEAS exam in detail and provide clear explanations and examples. It should also match the structure and style of the TEAS exam questions and include practice tests that simulate the real exam experience.
Third, you need to look for a study guide that suits your learning style and preferences. Some people prefer to learn from books, while others prefer to learn from videos or apps. Some people like to have more explanations and examples, while others like to have a lot of practice questions. Some people like to study with a group or a tutor, while others like to study alone. You should choose a study guide that matches your learning style and preferences so that you can study more effectively and efficiently.
Fourth, you need to look for a study guide that is affordable and accessible. There are many TEAS test study guides available in bookstores or online, but not all of them are worth your time or money. You should compare the features and prices of different TEAS test study guides and look for testimonials or reviews from other users. You should also look for a study guide that is easy to access and use, whether it is online or offline, digital or printed, or compatible with different devices.
It can be challenging to find the best TEAS test study guide, but it is worth the effort. A good TEAS test study guide can help you prepare for the exam more effectively and efficiently, increase your performance and confidence on the exam day, and boost your chances of getting into your desired nursing or allied health program. We hope these factors and tips will help you find the best TEAS study guide for your success.
To conclude, finding the best TEAS test study guide is an important step in preparing for the TEAS exam and getting into your desired nursing or allied health program. You should consider the version, comprehensiveness, alignment, learning style, and affordability of different TEAS test study guides before making a decision. You should also look for reviews or testimonials from other users who have used the same or similar TEAS test study guides to see how they benefited from them. We hope this article has provided you with some helpful guidance and information on how to choose the best TEAS study guide for your success. Good luck with your TEAS exam preparation and application!